An office space for my sewing business

When I bought our new office building a few years ago, it was the perfect size to start my business, the business real estate I planned to use for our growing sewing and mending business, and I started doing crafts when I was around 8 years old, and I became fascinated with the entire process, and whenever an acquaintance or family member of mine had a tear in their clothing or needed a design idea, I was always glad to help. I realized as I grew that I wanted to take my passion further, which led me to finding an office space for rent, and that’s where I am now! For a few years this building provided just enough space for me and a few of my employees to work, then however, now that I have seen a spike in the amount of clients I am drawing into my business, I have decided that I am going to need to update. I decided to look for another office space for rent. It was much harder than I anticipated finding an artisan loft for rent that was the size I was looking for. In the few weeks of searching for the office space for rent, I realized that there was a price increase in the office space for rent. This gave me the great idea of renting out our new office space, and making a bit of extra profits on the side, and as of now, I am eyeing a fantastic artisan apartment for rent, that surpassed my expectations. Once I inquire more information & accept, after that I can proceed with moving out of our old office.

office space for rent

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